EWSLETTER September 2024
NCPOA Officers and email addresses
President: PRCS Lowell Heath senorchief43@yahoo.com
Vice President: ENC Clifford Hatfield sttoters@hotmail.com
Secretary/Treasurer: PRC Earl Young earl55k@yahoo.com
Presidents Message: We looking at a few places where we can hold our next Reunion. We want to find the best location. Hope everyone is in good health.
Treasurer’s Report:
Checking Account Balance September 2024 $ 2,974.70
Savings Account Balance September 2024 $11,574.84
Certificate Balance September 2024 $20,383.38
Secretary’s message: Feel free to contact me at 850-936-2442 earl55k@yahoo.com. Use the form on last page of the newsletter to renew/join. Make checks payable to NCPOA. Send NO CASH in the mail. The dues is $10 per year. Please put the dates of the years you are renewing. If you move, change email address or phone number, please contact us to keep the Roster current.
Taps Notifications: RIP We Have The Watch
SMCM Mike Duncan
Membership Status
Current Membership :
Active members.174 / 107 Life Members,
New Members gained Welcome Aboard:
Website ADDRESS www.ncpoa.club
Our webmaster is AKCM Gary Scheidt.
National CPO’S is our page, request to join.
Window Decals:
Contact PRC Earl Young earl55k@yahoo.com 850-936-2442
The Navy Creed
I am a United States Sailor. I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, and will obey the orders of those appointed over me. I represent the fighting spirit of the Navy and those who have gone before me to defend freedom and democracy around the world.
U.S. Naval Forces in Vietnam and Southeast Asia
Over a 25-year period, the U.S. Navy was involved in a broad spectrum of operations in the military and political struggle for Vietnam and other countries of Southeast Asia. The Navy was active in the region from 1950, when the U.S.-supported French Union forces were battling Communist Vietminh guerrillas, until 1975, when Seventh Fleet helicopters and ships evacuated the last Americans—and many South Vietnamese refugees—from Saigon.
In its combat missions, the U.S. Navy was a major partner with the U.S. Air Force during the air campaigns in North Vietnam and Laos, and with the U.S. Army during riverine operations in South Vietnam's Mekong Delta region. U.S. naval forces comprised not only fleet units, but also U.S. Marine Corps and Coast Guard. The Navy also fought side by side with forces from other nations of the anti-Communist coalition. U.S. Navy Advisors, who were the first personnel to be assigned to Vietnam and among the last to leave, had a major role in the birth and operational viability of South Vietnam's navy.
The Human Cost
A few figures from official sources suffice to introduce this section During the Vietnam War's official duration (4 August 1964–27 January 1973), 1,631 Sailors and 13,095 Marines were killed in action; 4,178 and 51,392 respectively were wounded. These figures do not include non-combat deaths or injuries, or Southeast Asian conflict–related deaths, wounds, or injuries sustained by members of the two sea services prior to or after the period noted above. The nearly 600 U.S. POWs included 154 Navy personnel and 47 Marines. Of these, 18 (9 per service) died in captivity. Fifteen U.S Navy service members (6 posthumously) and 57 Marines (44 posthumously) were awarded the Medal of Honor.
South Vietnamese military losses during the same time frame are more than four-fold; South and North Vietnamese civilian losses may have been over half a million—a clear reflection of the all-encompassing and uncompromising nature of the decades-long conflict. The ultimate North Vietnamese victory generated nearly 800,000 refugees between 1975 and 1995
U.S. combat unit left South Vietnam in 1973. An estimated one to three million people, including over 58,000 American service members, were killed during the conflict
The Naval History and Heritage Command offers a multitude of resources and collections that chronicle the U.S. Navy's involvement in what became the United States' most divisive twentieth-century war
National Chief Petty Officers Association
Membership/Renewal Application Form
New Membership : _____ Renewal: ______
NAME:______________________________________ Rate/Rank:_________ Birth Date______
Branch of Service: USN___USNR___USCG___USCGR___ USMC(Initiated)___ Active:___ Retired:___
Years Served: From:______ To:______
City:____________________________ State:______ ZIP:____________
Spouse’s Name:_________________________________________
Telephone#: (______)____________________________________(Home)
E-Mail address:_________________________________________
Recruited by:___________________________________________
I certify that I am serving or have served as a Chief Petty Officer in the United States Navy or the United States Coast Guard for a period of at least 30 days.
Applicants Signature:________________________________________________________
Membership Dues: $10.00 per year.
Enclosed:_________ Dues for / year / years _________________________
Make checks payable to the National Chief Petty Officers Association or NCPOA,
Mail to PRC Earl Young, 11229 Silverton Drive, Milton, FL 32583
Important read May News Letter
NCPOA 2021
Winter NCPOA
2021 News letter
ncpoa winter
2021/2022 News Letter